Sunday, March 8, 2009


I need your help:)

A little while back I linked to blog through a comment left on one of my posts. The blog I linked to was about cooking cheap. Lots of good recipes that don't cost a fortune to make. In fact, the blog owner even broke down each grocery item by the exact cost per person (i.e., if you needed half a can of green beans for a family of 4, she broke it down by what the half can cost, divided by 4!)

If this blog sounds familiar, could you please link me to it? I need some new dinner ideas.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


who said life is fair said...

I don't know if this is what you are looking for but I did a quick search and came up w/ this:

Let me know if it's what you're looking for!

LeAnna said...

Not sure if this is it, but it fits the criteria! I'm officially de-lurking now. I came here by way of Jenn and have enjoyed reading about your sweet baby girl. My little boy is a month younger, and I too dealt with pre-e and all that no fun pregnancy related stuff. :)