I have been battling a craptastic cold that seems to have hit its worst today. I finally broken down and bought Sudafed yesterday after reading that it is safe to take while pregnant (thanks to "What to Expect When You're Expecting" which I cannot read without throwing up. Tried and true.) but it, unfortunately, does nothing to help. So even though I should be writing today, I'm getting nowhere with that. And I think knowing that my paychecks are going to start looking a little nicer in a couple weeks is contributing to my lack of desire to bust my butt writing $10 articles.
I hope you enjoy these photos from my month of fun! If I ever get re-motivated to write an entry about how much I hated NYC, I'll be sure to let you know:) But for now, a photo blog will do the trick! (And FINALLY, a couple belly pics are at the end!)
Kickin' things off with a hoot of a Girls Weekend with Molly and Lisa (and a little of Matt, too. Lucky guy.)
It was National Yoga Day and hundreds of people were doing yoga in the middle of Times Square. Of course half my NY pictures are now of strangers doing yoga.
Matt and his Dadster
A happy pregnant girl with a tummy full of Junior's cheesecake.
Ohhh, if only that were real:)
We ate lunch here and our Club sandwich, that we thankfully shared, cost $22 and was about 12 inches tall!
My handsome man
Right before the 6th inning, my father-in-law decided he was going to take a potty break. Little did he know Matt and I had put his name on the scoreboard for his birthday and it was coming up any minute. So his sister told him we were all going to go to the bathroom together (??) in the 7th inning. He was PIST!
Until he saw this (amongst the monsoon that began about 60 seconds before it showed up!)
Which led to this.
Thaaat's my mother-in-law
Yummy Frozen Hot Chocolate! Worth every penny.
Carriage ride through Central Park. Angelina Jolie rode in this same carriage a few weeks ago:)
A fake lime in Chelsea market. Can you guess which fruit Little Beansies was that week?!
Churchill Downs and Louisville Slugger
The most adorable yellow ducklings living in the pond next to our hotel
Christyn's wedding. Now, every bride looks beautiful on her wedding day, but THIS bride looked STUNNING. Right out of a bridal magazine, honestly. Congratulations, My Little!
Alwynn, Me, Amy
Matt always finds a way to entertain himself:)
12w5d belly pics. The first was last night and the second is today. I have a couple comparison shots from around 7 weeks, but they are pretty embarrasing and gross, so I can't bring myself to post them!