Sunday, August 3, 2008


This is a long post. Lots to say!

Babycakes can hear me now! According to the site where I get these updates, loud noises startle the baby, but classial music is soothing. If it wouldn't put me to sleep I'd start playing at work or in the car, but I have a bad feeling about that. I can barely stay awake as it is.

Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. The umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints.

We had a great weekend with friends and family! I am getting really bad at taking pictures though and took a whopping 1 photo the whole weekend. Otherwise I'd have a nice photo montage to share, including our night with Beth and Justin and Apple Valley Lake, Matt's surprise celebration dinner at P.K. O'Ryans with Joe, Barb, Andy and their newest addition, Charlie (hello, great name!), my lunch with Danielle (score 1 for taking a picture here!), and dinner with my brother at my aunt's house.

Tonight Mike gave us some exciting news that I am anxious to see come to fruition. I am so happy he moved to the same suburb as my aunt because we get to see him more than ever in my whole post-high-school life. He always asks for baby updates and requested a phone call as soon as we have news on Friday... when we find out if we're having a little Brooke or a little Charlie!!! I never would have imagined being close enough to my brother to give him OB updates, but I do call him after appointments and it's fun to hear him get excited about the new babies joining the family.

So yes, we find out Friday! I can hardley believe it's time. Last Friday I made an unexpected trip to the doctor to beg for another opinion on my "UTI" that was not getting better, despite the antibiotics. The nurse did a urinalysis, which came back negative, but then she noticed it had changed when she went back out to get her stethoscope and realized that there were, in fact, leukocytes present. She did another dip and wouldn't you know? Momma Katie was right. When will doctors start trusting that we know our bodies? The doctor ended up doing my OB appt. stuff that would normally have been tomorrow, so I got to hear Little Beansies heart strongly beating in the 150's. And this time she found it right away. Phew!

I gained a little weight this time around, but I gained nothing in the 1st trimester and in all honesty, it was 4 pounds, so it's not like I went off the deep end. My appetite is so much different than the 1st tri-- sometimes I'm not even hungry at meal times, which I'm not sure has ever happened. In my life.

Also, is it crazy that I'm thisclose to buying this Pack 'n Play already? I'm so not even close to needing a Pack 'n Play in this house, but I love the look of it, and the colors match our living room perfectly... and the price is darn good. It's on sale this week, so the price won't last, if I really want it. Maybe Baby Bargains will have some insight. *Update* BB rates Graco as #1 for Playpens and even showed a picture of either this PnP or a very similar one. I think I might do it!


Jenn said...

I say go for it and I can't wait to hear if it'll be Team Pink or Team Blue for you!

Fit & Fierce Mama said...

That's so nice to be able to bond more with your brother! My brother and I are getting closer too since I'm joinging the world of parenthood (he has a two year old). It's so nice to share something like this.

Best of luck on Friday! How exciting to find out!! Love the name choices too :)