Friday, October 2, 2009


Tomorrow Lilly and I will be spending lots of quality time together while Daddy participates in a golf outing for school and takes care of the hooligans at the Homecoming dance. I have found that the best way to get through long days alone is to keep busy. My stand-by's are the grocery store and the park, but with the cold and chilly weather, the park days may be limited.

My friend and faaabbulous photographer, Lori, clued me in on an awesome little field of sunflowers nearby. I drove by yesterday to be sure the frost hadn't nipped them and was happy to see they are still standing strong! They are not the gigantic sunflowers-- maybe hip-heigth-- and so cute! So as long as the rain holds out tomorrow, I'm hoping to take Lilly for some pictures.

Sunday we are taking the babe to the pumpkin patch after church. Now those will be some GREAT pictures!! Her Treanse Grandma bought her the cutest pumpkin outfit last year, before she was born, and it looked so big at the time! I can't believe pumpkin season is here and the outfit fits perfectly:)

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