Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I've been back to work full-time for 3 weeks now and although I am very fulfilled and at ease with having a normal routine again, it is so tough to find time for extras. I suppose if Lilly wasn't so darn much fun and so unbelievably sweet and cute it would be easier to not spend every waking minute of her time at home with her. But alas, I can't help it! She makes us laugh constantly... and even does it to avoid going to sleep sometimes because she knows we can't resist laughing back, thus stalling sleepy time. What a trip.

She is on a big "uh ohhhh" kick right now. We think she picked it up at school because we didn't start saying it at home until she started. Now we say it all the time so she'll repeat it! Tonight I stacked up her caterpillar cups to make a tower and before she knocked it down she grinned and said "uh ohhhhhh". Sly little devil;).

Oh!! And we think she's getting her molars. Ayy papee. It hasn't been bad, but she chews on her thumbs in the back parts of her mouth, drools a little bit (she's not normally a thumb sucker or a drooler), has a runny nose and just seems a little off. In the meantime, she's rockin' this fabulous grill!


Joanne said...

what a cutie!!

Trisha.R.Jackson said...

What a freakin' cutie!! How do you not kiss all over her 24/7? I can't believe how much she has changed in such a short amount of time. I can't get over those cheeks.

And she's saying more words now? Delaney isn't even saying "mama" yet :(.

Ellie said...

Wow, she gets cuter every day!

Fit & Fierce Mama said...

Oh my gosh! Look at those teeth! She's adorable!!

Jessica said...

what a cutie! chloe just got her first tooth, so we're a little behind.

Bead Up said...

she's just getting cuter and cuter :)