Hello, there! It's been 4 months since my last post, but feels like much longer. Having a toddler, full-time job, holidays, summer vacations, and life in general just got in the way of keeping up with this, but Matt has asked me a couple times if I'll ever get back to it (he likes reading!) and I think it's time. It's nice to know he enjoys reading about our lives:) I must make it sound a lot more exciting than it really is.
There's also another reason I've had a nagging feeling in my heart to pick back up with the chronicling our lives.
We're having another baby! This little guy or girl is due at the end of Feburary/beginning of March, which makes me about 13 weeks along. It has already been a much smoother pregnancy than Lilly's. My morning sickness was shorter-lived, which makes a world of difference. But, man am I pooped! It's a lot harder to get through a work day knowing that when I get in the car to go home, it's not over yet!
But that Lilly. Oh, that Lilly. From the early months of her life, til now... what a difference. She is a sweet, easy-going, comical, charming, full-of-personality, chatterbox of a little girl. We couldn't ask for a better toddler! She makes us laugh every day, many times a day! Sometimes Matt and I lay in bed after she's been asleep for hours, laughing at the way she says or does things (like the way she points or the cute way she says "thank you" to everything-- even tonight, when I gave her medicine, she thanked me!) My heart is so full of love for this little girl. I feel like the most fortunate mom in the world. But don't we all?! (OK, no, I did not feel that way for the first 6 months!)
God has been good to our family. He always is, but sometimes it's harder to see than others! But right now we are enjoying each day and still silently (and not-so-silently) cheering as each day passes successfully! Parenting is hard stuff, but it's the most rewarding and meaningful job we could have.